How To Achieve A Flawless Complexion

May 18, 2017

There isn’t anything like healthy, even and smooth skin that makes me feel more self-confident in my day to day life. With so much time spent on the go, I can’t afford to spend hours on such fanciful pursuits as lengthy make up applications or time consuming beauty regimes so; I’ve had to find other ways to make my skin glow. Trust me, things weren’t always peachy keen in the complexion department and it took decades of trial and error, fads and failures, blemishes and unevenness to get to where I am now.

In collaboration with Max Factor’s Miracle Collection, I am dishing out all my skin care secrets so that you can take a shortcut to a heavenly glow.

Great skin is always a mirror of your internal health so the journey to smoothness starts in the gut. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and prebiotics necessary to feed the good bacteria that keeps our body (and skin!) in tip-top shape. Increase your consumption of orange varieties as these contain carotenoids, which filter blue light, protect skin from environmental factors and add a visible healthy hue. Don’t forget to cut out any foods that your body is sensitive to as well as any preservatives, colours or artificial ingredients- all a sure fire way to a break out. Make sure your lifestyle isn’t depleting all your B vitamins which are necessary for blemish free skin, things like life stresses and nights out all run our reserves low. Forgo botox by adding plentiful collagen into your diet via long cooked bone broths or supplements and over time the skin will develop more bounce, moisture and resilience. Sugar is not the skin’s friend, leading to premature aging and oxidation so replace it with occasional natural sweets and supplement with probiotics which help our body to thrive.

Move that bod every day until you sweat so that toxins are cleared out in a timely manner. Support your body’s detoxification patterns by drinking at least 2 litres of pure water - all the hydration will plump up the skin from the inside. Try to meditate each day for at least 5-10 minutes as this develops a sense of calm that becomes an anchor point when life takes us on unpleasant journeys – I believe that hard emotions can lead to break outs. ( wearing Lonely Label swimwear)

read the rest on here!

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