How A Dyson Supersonic Can Change Your Life

August 15, 2017

Wearing Gucci dress, Nars Schiap lipstick

I don't often get over-excited and enthusiastic about small appliances but when I took home a Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer, it was as if I was a kid on Christmas morning cradling a brand new toy I had long wished for. I have incredibly high expectations of a product’s performance but I never in a million years expected this one to deliver on all of them and more. I mean it’s a hairdryer for goodness sakes and hairdryers are everyday necessities that you need to have but nothing particularly amazing to get enthused about.

Well, this baby is different. Not only does the design look beautifully streamlined, it feels a complete joy to use. Dyson invested $85 million in the development of the Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer so of course, there are going to be some great features. Here are a few reasons why I absolutely love it.

Wearing Willa and Mae pajama kimono, Maria Tash and Anita Ko fine jewellery earrings from Net-a-Porter throughout.

When you have a million things to do in your day, drying hair for an hour seems like another exasperating time sucking chore. Well, I timed drying my hair with a Dyson and it took 6 minutes flat. I have thick, long hair but the powerful Dyson digital motor V9 and patented Air Multiplier technology amplifies air drawn into the motor by three for a high-pressure, high-velocity jet of air. What's best is its intelligent heat control - a glass bead thermistor measures temperatures 20 times per second, helping protect the hair from extreme heat damage to protect natural shine. My daughter loves this feature too as apparently, I used to inadvertently burn her scalp with our old hairdryer. Oops!

My hair has felt incredibly healthy since I’ve started using the Dyson Supersonic, so much so that I have cut out expensive hair mask treatments at the salon. When my hair needs to be in top shape for work purposes, it pays to have a secret weapon on my side
read the rest of this story on here!
or buy the Dyson Supersonic here!

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