How to make hair shine

February 13, 2017

How to make healthy hair happen

My hair has had an abysmal ride through life – I’ve been platinum blonde, bright red and every shade in between, often times on a whim. It’s been heat styled daily until it singed off, thrown into chlorine ‘till it developed a green tinge and salt encrusted until it was as dry as hay. If my hair had a voice it would sing: “What about me? It isn’t fair, I’ve had enough, now I want my share!” Well, I hear ya hair. That’s why, when given an opportunity to try Wella’s new System Professional in-salon consultation and treatment, I thanked my lucky stars.

Having just been away to tropical sun bleached countries, using crappy hotel shampoos and conditioners until my hair lost all shine and manageability, a new hair care system promising a complete hair transformation seemed too good an opportunity to miss. Still, I was doubtful; how exactly can a hair treatment perform a miracle like this? I have tried a lot of things in my life, what makes this particular one different? My eyes narrowed as suspicion built.

On my arrival to the Wella Studios, I met Mia De Vries, System Professional Stylist and owner of The Fox & The Hair salon. She explained to me that this treatment is special because it calculates your unique hair energy code. Hair energy code? This sounded scientific and turns out it was. First you fill in a questionnaire – called EnergyCode Mapping - answering all about your hair woes; what you love, hate, what you’d like and what you have been battling. This all goes into a nifty computer and voila! The system turns out one of 174 million possible hair care combinations. 174 MILLION! The mind boggles- this is some pretty specific stuff and I was ready to experience the future.

Firstly, I was led to a basin where I was shampooed and massaged, then a Repair infusion was applied. This was locked in with a mask and then a special treatment was massaged into my hair back at the chair…and when I say massage, I mean a long, luxurious massage that makes you feel everything is extremely excellent in the world (in itself a worthwhile experience). Afterward, this is rinsed out and a warm towel is applied. Then the hair is styled as normal. Once blow dried I felt my hair and there it was: silkiness, softness and the kind of voluminous bounce virgin hair possesses in spades. I swished it around. It shone as I twirled. All of a sudden my confidence levels soared and it made me wonder:  how is it that amazing hair makes us feel so incredible, yet we spend so little on its care? I know I spend so much on make-up and clothes yet the bare minimum on shampoo and conditioner.

I thanked Mia and she sent me home with my unique System Professional EnergyCode system – I’m R1 + X1S + H3 + S4 + L4- , instructing me to use the different components regularly because this will keep my hair in tip top condition. My hair felt the best it had in years…but will this amazing softness last, especially in the midst of a dry Australian summer? Keep tuned for the second part of this story…

To find out more about System Professional and find your salon, head to

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