January 10, 2015


This story was shot in London town one rainy night a couple of months ago amid a lot of laughter, champagne and shenanigans. This whirlwind trip only lasted a couple of days, hence my reluctance to sleep at all - who needs sleep when there is so much to see, do and experience? I was generously flown to London by Farfetch, the new-ish kid on the online shopping block, for a special dinner with incredible people from all around the world.

The reason Farfetch is different to other online retailers is well , that they are not one in traditional terms. Farfetch is a hub that connects 300 individual boutique retailers from 30 countries to the rest of the world - when you shop on the site, the item comes directly from a far flung boutique somewhere in the world, arriving as beautifully and individually packaged as if you had visited that boutique yourself - often with a handwritten note, postcard or small token from the town. Each of the boutiques was carefully selected for their unique approach, forward-thinking attitude and diversity.

What I love most about this unique approach however is that each store will have their own buyers and their own edit from the same brands - this means that Farfetch often ends up with complete collections from designers , including the most sought-after and hard-to-find pieces each season. What is there not to love about having the broadest range of brands? From big-name luxe labels to emerging lab designers, Farfetch is now serving 270,000 customers in 170 countries. I have been crazy about Farfetch for a couple of years now, ever since I found a runway Balmain top that was available no where else online -sourced from a small store in Florence. It really is like shopping a curated edition of the best of the world's boutiques.

For this particular story I raided a boutique on King's road called The Shop At Bluebird. In the name of fashion (oh the sacrifice!) I pulled an all nighter in one of the hottest new hotels in London. Can you guess which one?




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