Summer is upon us in the Southern Hemisphere and with it the sizzling heat and inevitable sweat, kindly served by our largest breathing organ- skin.  Our meat's container is not only our largest detoxifying avenue but also a factory for our vitamin D reserves, a necessary hormone which plays a role in immune regulation […]

Blue Fish + Loquat Salad

This video was shot in Vis, Croatia a couple years ago when pandemic measures compelled me to take a hiatus from the blog to concentrate on mental health and wellbeing. In the process I turned into that expat who wondered why my parents ever left when the frenzied cacophony of pandemic fears I was experiencing […]
Dr Zach Bush talks about improving the global warming crisis

Zach Bush and his audacious plan to save the world

Anyone who has followed me for a long time knows I’ve always been an avid environmentalist, advocating against GMOs, championing organic food, sustainable fashion, natural medicine and responsible corporate practices. For decades it seemed I was in a minority, fighting what seemed like an uphill battle against media propaganda lauding genetically modified food as humanity’s […]


Croatia's island Vis is beautiful any time of the year but in spring it takes on a particularly fragrant and colourful persona with meadows full of wildflowers and herbs. Aromatic sage, oregano and rosemary  are still juicy pre- summer heats, tender shoots full of essential oils that pair wonderfully with lamb. I made two of […]

What being diagnosed with a MTHFR mutation taught me about my health

There were times when my health was wonderful, sure , but heck, back then I thought bloating and constipation, raging PMS and monthly blind cystic pimples were normal ( you know the painful ones that usually come up around the jawline that you really want to pop , but if you try they grow ten […]


  Pomalo... ...the waiter says as I walk into the local cafe, perspiring with existential dread, gesticulating wildly.  'Ugh' - I sigh - 'missed the ferry 'cause I can't find my wallet , so worried about my meeting now! '  - eyes darting everywhere, I realise I must look a madwoman fresh out of an […]

What becoming friends with my body taught me about intuitive eating

Understanding of my own body changed a whole bunch over last decades, so much so that I find it hard to comprehend some of my previous thinking patterns, no matter how sanctioned they were/are by the health and wellness industry. People often ask me to share my tips on staying slim yet I don’t know […]


Some people come into our lives like magic. This was certainly the case with my friend Ariane Leondaridis. Tapped on the shoulder at a busy Bondi bar, I turned to see a gorgeous, tall, elfin woman with a huge smile saying hi - we got chatting and I suppose, never stopped. She’d just moved to […]

How Covid-19 encouraged me to reflect on my past and reframe my future

When the topic turned to fashion reform on a podcast I was on back in February, I expressed a hope for multi-faceted change—it seemed like every single cog of humanity’s activity needed to be lifted out, re-examined, simplified and restarted to ensure our survival, not only the sartorial machine that is the world’s third biggest […]

How I Boost My Immune System and Fight Illness Naturally

We swim in a soup of bacteria and viruses constantly, they are all around us, ever present – it would be so fascinating to watch them enter us and co-exist with us on a micro level , live in us and mutate with us. Also gross and weird, especially since the human body contains trillions […]


Sometimes a film fundamentally changes our perception of reality in such a profound way that it becomes impossible to view the world with closed eyes again. In My Blood It Runs is one of those films. Director Maya Newell has a talent for creating visceral portraits of unique individuals whilst weaving compelling stories out of […]

6 perfect cover ups for a day at the beach

Summer is my favourite time of the year: stone fruits, sunshine, and long, languid hours by the water. Sartorially, however, I often get confused. Beach time is usually just one part of the daily plan - a replenishing stopover en route to a café, a friend’s barbecue, or that gallery exhibition I’ve been dying to […]

Step by Step guide to travelling in 3 of Sri Lanka's most beautiful destinations

( wearing Zimmermann at Anantara Peace Heaven Tangalle) The first time I travelled to Sri Lanka was four years ago. Not knowing what to expect, I was blown away by the tranquility of the foliage and beaches that enveloped me in a jungle paradise. My stay had only been a few days long though, and […]

5 Trends to Consider Investing In This Summer

Pip Edwards and I have been friends for 20 years, way back when we had terrible hairstyles, wore questionable clothes and did a lot of dancing on the weekends. We both had kids before any of our friends and then navigated heartbreak, single motherhood and career life in parallel timing, so these days when life […]

What's new in shoe trends?

I must say I was so excited to shoot this story on my recent European holiday, as Venice has always been one of my favourite places in the world. Apart from gondolas, bridges and canals, this town is also magic for its culture and architecture, the highlight of which I got to experience while shooting […]


I’m a hypocrite when it comes to beauty and chances are you are too. We can hardly help it living in the glossy , fomo inducing Instagram world of the 21st century with it’s neverending rolodex of perfection. Our skewed perceptions on what it is to be or feel beautiful are generated by our family, friends, […]
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