Why you need a superfood mask

August 18, 2016

Superfoods have gained a name for themselves in the last few years as being the ultimate health elixir, instrumental not only in giving us vibrant energy but providing us with a power house of nutrients we would struggle to accumulate in our daily western diet otherwise. Jumping on to the superfood bandwagon was something that came easily to me, after all, I love a shortcut as much as the next health cheat , my philosophy being that surely if I ate some goji berries and spirulina I could have a peperoni pizza for dinner guilt free. The real aha moment however came when a friend suggested that I should approach skincare with as much clean enthusiasm; after all, the skin is our largest breathing organ and you wouldn’t want to inhale all those chemicals in now would you? This sentence alone was enough to send me on a quest to incorporate more natural skincare into my life. When Vogue asked me to review Body Shop’s new Superfood Masks , I jumped at the opportunity to not only bask in beautiful ingredients but also pamper myself in the name of journalism. It’s a tough gig but someone has to do it!  I sacrificed myself by taking a day off to luxuriate around in my personal spa, aka, my apartment, whilst wearing some delicious new season loungewear.


The ingredients in Body Shop’s new masks are truly incredible. Inspired by traditional beauty remedies from around the world, each of these pots of goodness holds incredible natural ingredients that are either 100% vegetarian or vegan. Think Bamboo charcoal from the Himalayan foothills known to draw out impurities and excess oils from the skin, green tea leaves from Japan, rich in antioxidants and catechins to effectively exfoliate or Community Trade organic tea tree oil from Kenya known to keep skin looking clearer.


Applying the masks is half the fun but make sure you avoid the sensitive eye area ( wearing linen pyjama’s by In Bed, Lonely Label bra )


The Himalayan face mask felt funny to apply with it’s chunks of charcoal and muddy texture that dried quickly but it surely delivered- my skin felt noticeably more refined and unclogged afterward. ( Tiffany Smile necklace)


I loved how beautifully packaged and labelled these masks are- the boutique pots fitted right in with my bathroom decor

read the full story on vogue.com.au 

photographed by Ana Suntay Tanedo

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